My Profile
This section allows you to manage your account information and settings effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to navigate and use the My Profile tab to ensure your account details are up-to-date.
The My Profile tab is divided into several sections, each dedicated to a specific aspect of your account management:
Profile Information
View a basic summary of the details you provided when registering your account.
Editing Profile Information:
View Details: Your current profile information is displayed under Profile Information.
Modify Email Address: You can edit your email address here to ensure you receive all communication to the correct address.
Billing Information
This section is essential for managing how you receive and process invoices for prepaid SMS credits.
Adding Billing Information:
Navigate to the Billing Information section and enter or update your billing details to ensure accurate invoicing.
Default Country Prefix and Timezone:
Country Prefix: Set your default account country prefix; for example, enter '27' for South Africa.
Timezone Setting: Adjust your default timezone to match your local time. This ensures that all timestamped messages and logs are synchronized with your actual time.
Price Updates: Activate notifications to receive email alerts when there is a rate change to a specific destination or network.
Low Balance Notifications: Set an alert for when your account balance reaches a predefined threshold, such as R50, to ensure you never run out of credits unexpectedly.
Last updated
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